About Us
Celebrating all that is whimsical, The Oxnard Steampunk Fest Crew, the Friends of Heritage Square, and the Oxnard Heritage Foundation would like to invite you to join in the fun!
We are kid-friendly!
This is a fundraiser for the Oxnard Heritage Foundation and the Friends of Heritage Square, to benefit their educational programming. Keeping the history of Oxnard alive and well!
Costumes, characters, merchants and presenters are all encouraged to participate.
If you have any questions before the event, please contact Heather 805.766.0861. For the day of you will check-in with our Event Staff at the Main Gate on “A” Street, the entrance to Heritage Square (in between 7th and 8th Streets.) The festival runs 11AM-7PM Saturday but vendors are encouraged to close up at 5PM and the festival runs 11-5PM Sunday.
There is public parking around Heritage Square and at the 6th and ‘B’ Street parking lot.
Restrooms are located in the Heritage Square Hall – 731 South A Street and in La Dolce Vita (all three floors have bathrooms) – 740 South B Street. These two buildings face the Main Plaza.
Food to Keep You Going:
La Dolce Vita is onsite, and several other restaurants are all located within a three block radius of the event.
Otani Fish Market
Address: 608 S A St, Oxnard, CA 93030
Phone: (805) 483-6519
Website: http://otanis-seafood.com/
Fresh and Fabulous Cafe
221 West 5th Street, Oxnard, CA 93030
At Centennial Plaza, Next to the movie theater
[email protected]
Tel: 805-486-4547
Sat – Sun: 7:30am – 4:00pm
Address: 241 West 5th Street, Oxnard, CA 93030
Phone: (805) 247-0687
Website: http://www.starbucks.com/
Golden Chicken Inn
Address:701 S Oxnard Blvd, Oxnard, CA 93030
Phone: (805) 483-9122
Tomas Cafe & Gallery
Address: 622 S A St, Oxnard, CA 93030
Phone: (805) 483-6633
Website: http://tomascafe.com/
1. What is the address of Heritage Square? The best address to use is the Visitor Center address, 715 South A Street, Oxnard, 93030.
2. Is there an ATM onsite? No, the closest ATM is on 4th Street, between A & B.
3. Is there Wi-Fi onsite? No, unfortunately not.
OSF Weapons Policy:
** WEAPONS POLICY – Please read!
As of this time, all steampunk weapons are allowed at the event with the exception of: NO REAL FIREARMS. NO REPLICA FIREARMS WITHOUT AN ORANGE TIP. NO LIVE AMMUNITION. NO TAZERS, STUN-GUNS, AND/OR INSTRUMENTS WITH SHARP BLADES. Festival Security will inspect and verify that ALL “weapons” are non-functioning (including those made so with a peace bond) and safe. Items are evaluated on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of Festival Security personnel and their determination is final to ensure the safety of not only the owner of the weapon but also those participating in and enjoying the Festival.
As this is a family friendly event and includes all ages, we do encourage you to find other whimsical substitutions for your firearms including: Modified Nerf or obviously plastic guns with Orange tip, lawn flamingos, wands, creative signs (Bang! Bang!), parasols, fans, or other imaginative props that do NOT look like guns.
We recognize that costume-related weapons are sometimes an important part of the costume experience, so Oxnard Steampunk Fest has the following weapons policy for costume-related weapons in place:
- Bladed weapons must be cased, sheathed, and peace bonded (zip ties or strong wire wrapped so as to make the weapon non-functioning or unsheathable) at all times. Canes, armor, mechanical arms, and bandoleers (no live ammunition is permitted) are allowed. Please get your firearm weapons peace-bonded at the Main Gate on “A” Street.
• There will be absolutely no play-acting with props in the public areas.
• Explosives or chemicals of any kind including, but not limited to, live ammunition, smoke powder, sparklers, and fireworks, are not permitted.
Do not presume that the peace bonding from another or a previous convention will do.
These rules apply solely to costume weaponry. Oxnard Steampunk Fest does not permit any real weapons to be used or brought to the convention AT ALL as per our general policies above; violation of this rule will require immediate reporting to the proper authorities.